Meeting with Prof. Mohammad Qasaimeh
Date - 20-08-2020
Participants: @Yaman Garg @Roba Olana
- He says the best lysis that we can try to do is with heating + chemicals only since other things are harder to operate
- He can provide support for electrode fabrication as well, and said that they are also an ok but high-tech option
- He has a phd student working on single cell electrical lysis, who could be helpful in-case we do go down that route
- He finds fluorescence to be most versatile = quantitative + qualitative
- He thinks that it is better to use commercial LFA strips for now if we go down that route, later we can switch to ordering our own custom LFA strips
- He says electrodes for E-CRISPR will be harder to employ since they tend to be fragile and can have non-specific binders affecting the sensitivity
Detection Medium:
- He said microfluidic chips themselves might not be very sensible since air bubbles and such problems are frequent and very difficult to work with in field
- He said to look if there is a commercial version of slip chip or snap chip that can help us
- He said to think about PCR tubes in a modifying way, or a PCR tube + paper chip
- He said that a paper-based flow device is much more feasible for the field
- He also said that if we only work with non-modified PCR tubes, our contribution to the larger field of POC molecular diagnostics will only be the optical detector (this is in the context of publishing something in the future).
- He said building a portable low-cost thermocycler is interesting for capstone lol